Twitter Analytics Tools

What Are Twitter Analytics Tools?

Twitter has over 100 million active users and about 50 million of them log in every day. Until now, website owners have been unable to track the effectiveness of Twitter. Twitter has finally unveiled an official analytics tool – Twitter Web Analytics. Twitter Analytics Tools help website owners understand how much traffic they receive from Twitter and the effectiveness of Twitter integration on their sites.

Twitter Analytic Web Tools

Why Use Twitter Analytics Tools?

Twitter Analytics have 8 great tools to analyze the over all effectiveness of your Twitter integration. Twitanlyzer, MicroPlaza, Twist, Twit(url)y, TweetStats, TwitterFriends, Thummit, QuickRate, and TweetEffect. These Twitter Analytics Tools allow you to see how Twitter content is being shared around the web, track the amount of traffic from Twitter to a company’s website – including clicks per tweets, measure the effectiveness of ‘official’ Twitter buttons, and an API allowing third party analytics tools to incorporate this data. All of this increases the efficiency of your business’ Social Media presence and Brand awareness.

Twitter Analytics

How Can Twitter Analytics Help Me?

We are reaching a point at which these Social Media giants realize now is the time for them to push for supremacy. Facebook has provided an insight/analytics product for some time, and as rumor has it Twitter was languishing in no-man’s land. This is the start of a greater focus on providing the millions of businesses that use Twitter on a daily basis with greater web analytic tools to help them succeed in Social Media.

Twitter Analytics Tools

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