Nikki McClure-Artist

Museum of Contemporary Craft: Nikki McClure

Now, is the time to enjoy and appreciate one of the Northwest most prominent visual artist, at The Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland, Oregon. The Museum will feature Nikki McClure, and her collection of paper cutouts. Her collection will be shown staring August 18th & go through October 29th.

Nikki McClure Art Work

Nikki McClure

Nikki McClure is a simple girl who grew up in Olympia, Washington. She is a frontrunner in the independent spirit of the Northwest. Her work embodies life & the idea of enjoying all it has to offer. She is able to create her master pieces using an X-acto knife & a single sheets of paper. McClure first gained success with her paper cutouts in 1996. Soon after she got involved with Olympia-based record labels K & Kill Rockstars & the feminist punk movement Riot Grrrl. McClure has since moved on to producing her work for records, books, & magazines.
Nikki McClure

Words From The Artist

The Museum of Contemporary Craft, will be presenting Nikki McClure on October 20th. Nikki will give a public lecture on her inspiration, and artistic ability. Mclure will also give some insight as to what it is like to use “Working with daily life” as her subject, black paper as her medium and an X-acto blade as her tool. Her lecture will start at 6:30pm & last until 8:30pm. Come out, on the 20th of October to The Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland, Oregon, & hear words from an Nikki McClure herself.


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