Keyword Ranking

Keyword Ranking

Keyword ranking refers to where your website appears organically when a specific search is performed. Our SEO professionals deliver comprehensive initial keyword rank reports to establish a base.

We will continue to deliver periodic keyword rank reports to show you the progress being made, what keywords your website is ranking on, the work that has been performed, and your websites current page positions.


What Is Keyword Ranking

Where does your website appear on the first page when customers search for your services? Keyword ranking refers to where your website appears organically when a specific search is performed. We report keyword ranking as a number value with 1 meaning #1 spot on the first page. A keyword ranking of 29 would indicate ninth position on the third page because there is an average of 10 search results per page. Please contact Total Market Exposure directly for a free website analysis and for more information about how we will earn your business every month with our comprehensive SEO services.

Keyword Rank Reports

When reviewing keyword ranking, it is important to remember that SEO rank is constantly changing. Keyword ranking can be affected by geographic location, browsing history and hundreds of other factors. Keyword rank reports show where your website ranks for the top performing keywords in your market. In many cases, a well optimized sub page of your site will out rank your homepage for some keywords. Your keyword rank report will show which of your website pages is showing up on each specific keywords. Please contact Total Market Exposure directly for a free website analysis and for more information about how we will earn your business every month with our comprehensive SEO services.